Saturday Sessions: The Wisdom Body
During this series, we’ll weave the myths and metaphors of the Yoga Tradition, with modern bio-mechanics, intelligent alignment, and powerful action. This synthesis of east and west, to bring both magic and meaning, is called Wisdom Body.
Saturdays, 10am-12pm
6/8- Session 1: Koshas: Understanding the Layers of Being
6/22: Session 2: Centered: Susumna and the Spine
7/20: Session 3: the Dance of Opposites: Sun/Moon, Ida/Pingala, Backbends/Forwardbends
8/10 - Session 4: Mula: the pelvic floor and kundalini
8/24 - Session 5: 1000 petaled lotus: the crown/head/neck and consciousness
Register Here for Drop-Ins ($50/session):